One of the most important things to remember while posting on this forum -- Your actions here directly coincide with your actions in-game, so any negative thing you say or do here will impact how you stand with the kinship in-game.
The rules are simple, but must be adhered to:
1. Above all else, respect others and opinions! While debate is encouraged, it must be in a polite and respectful way.
2. Avoid the use of obscene language. While we aren't taking sides on whether its use is right or wrong, we want to respect those who find it offensive.
3. No discrimination, racial or otherwise, will be tolerated.
4. No spamming.
5. No advertising.
Any violation of these rules subjects that person to punishment deemed fit by the Administrator and Moderators. This can include, but is not limited to, warnings, forum ejection, kinship demotion, and kinship ejection.
These rules are subject to change at any time.